Nov 15, 2008

Sharing of Feeds Time 3

Sharing of feeds time again...

Don't you envy kids at times
especially their bravery in attempting new areas?
Like their lack of fear of falling/ injury/ death
when they learn cycling, swimming, rollerblading etc
How I wish I can go back time
and learn all these tricks when I'm younger
and not so afraid of pain and scars :P

Here's an article that expanded the idea further...
What Leaders Can Learn From Children
Besides the bravery that children has,
what else can we learn from the little ones?

Remember my earlier post on gender issues...
Here's an update on women in the corporate world:
A business case for women
It also shares on some strategies to attract/ retain the female workforce.

And lastly...
this is for all bloggers & webmasters
130+ New Tools to Make You a Better and Faster Designer
I have yet to browse them one by one...
Do let me know if you find any of them particularly useful :)

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