But a disclaimer first.. no man is an island. I am definitely unable to survive in a foreign land alone with my default hand in cast. Today is day 2 and my kind neighbour has been ferrying me around to hospitals and helping to translate doctor's words into simpler Japanese so that I can understand. And many other kind souls like my supervisor who helped me wash my cup, or cut pictures for my test paper.
From today onwards, I will meet more of such kind souls. :)
But here is the journey when I close the door and faces the four walls with a right-hand in cast alone. Hope it will offer some help to others in the same situation as me.
How to Shower/ Wash Hair
First find a plastic bag. I will secure it with a rubberband. You can use cellophane wraps too. And then, just shower or wash slowly.
How to Cook
I tried cooking yesterday. Boiling food is manageable, and easier to clean as oil is not used and it is not messy. I boiled corn and quail eggs and then add seasoning such as pepper, dark soya sauce and sesame oil. It's pretty yummy!
[added on 19 October 2010]
Tried cooking another dish today. I boiled pork slices, corn and sliced spring onion (you can buy ready-sliced ones from the supermart), and then topped it with satay sauce. Another yummilicous dish.

How to Work in School
I was pretty lucky, as this is the mid-test week, so I only have 1 day of lessons this week. From next week onwards, I will resume lessons, and likely be able to write a bit then. As much as possible I will use words and gestures to carry out my lessons.
Off classes, whenever possible, I will type, instead of write. Or stamp :) My supervisor found a set of stamps and inkpad, which I could use for my test papers.

How to Stay Genki
"Think of your favourite things, when you are in pain." This is the advice a sweet student gave me.
Indeed, skyping with my family, and staying connected with friends at home, definitely helped a lot. Alleviates the looming loneliness and prevents me from falling into the self-pitying trap.
Yup, so that's all for the first installment. I will slowly update again, as I strive on this journey.
[updated on 17 October 2010]
I'm Heading Out, Which Bag is Better?
Definitely a backpack. Or a cross-sling bag. I use a backpack, as it can carry more stuff, and it keeps my hands free. I used to carry a sling bag, but it causes some coordination problem with just one working left hand.
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