Sunblock. Checked!
Track shoes. Checked!
Long track pants. Checked!
I was all ready to set off for the morning walk at Sungei Buloh.
TIPIf you are prone to getting mosquito bites, arm yourself with insect repellent and long track pants. Quite of a few of us were bitten.
Yesterday, we had a shoot at Sungei Buloh for the Lose to Win series with Michelle Chia. One of the Lose to Win participant of last year's series had organised this trip with fellow participants to shed the kilos with nature trekking.
Start the trip with the boardwalk

Ready.. action!

It's very relaxing to drop our hectic worklife occasionally for a stroll at Sungei Buloh.

Perhaps it was because we were travelling as a big group,
or perhaps it's not the migratory period now,
we did not catch many birds and other creatures in action yesterday. :(
Mm.. perhaps I should make a second trip some time later.
If you're like me, looking for options to lose the extra pounds, try Lose to Win 2. This year, HPB opens up the competition to the community as well, besides workplaces.
Join the Lose to Win 2 by 11 July 2010 and you stand to win some extra cash, besides earning better health, better stamina, a better figure, more wardrobe choices, compliments, and many more...