That's the feature that catches my eye too, the first time I laid my hands on the gadget. With DEXT™, you can just say it once and it will be updated on twitter, facebook, etc. Very convenient!
Not only that, all contacts from twitter and facebook, and even work emails, will also be unified as one in your single address book in the phone. Automatically.
In addition, all contracts, log-in information, home screen customizations, email and social network messages are backed-up on the MOTOBLUR™ secure server, hence if *touch wood* the phone is misplaced, all your information will not be lost, as you can retrieve them using your account id and password.
Similar to the latest craze of iPhone applications, there are thousands of newest apps and widgets for searching, mapping, chatting, gaming and more at the Google's Android Market or Motorola's own app store. (Sidetrack: Google is courting more game developers, hence don't worry about the supply of applications :P)
Similar to the latest craze of iPhone applications, there are thousands of newest apps and widgets for searching, mapping, chatting, gaming and more at the Google's Android Market or Motorola's own app store. (Sidetrack: Google is courting more game developers, hence don't worry about the supply of applications :P)
And don't forget to join "Im Social Fan Page". Upload a picture of yourself at your social best to form the Im Social Mosaic Wall and you stand to win an all-expenses paid private yacht party!
Find out more on:
- Exclusive plans that Singtel offer for Motorola DEXT™ with MOTOBLUR™
mSocial - unlimited local mobile data using the MOTOBLUR™ platform - at $5.35/mth
- More about Motorola DEXT™ with MOTOBLUR™ functionalities and features