Darryl was advising us to try the racing car first before having dinner, but hungry us ignored his advice and went ahead for food. After eating, I was regretting a bit, as I realised that the racing car is able to jerk as the player drives. It's Daytona meets Omniplex Theatre!

Being very 'gungho' players, we decided to skip the trial stations and aimed straight for the real thing. Vincent tried the racing car first, followed by me, Shuyun, Victor and Huishan.
What an experience it was for me. It was way more exciting than Daytona, maybe because the car moves along with the way I drive. If I slammed into the wall, missed a turn, the car jerks. Hahaa... and as I've said before, I always came in last for Daytona, so it wasn't unexpected that I came in last for this race too. LOL. But I think I probably set the record for the highest number of slams into the wall. :P Witness the nth time I crashed into a wall:
While in the car, I was hoping the race could end soon. (Each of us has 2 laps.) But when I left the car, I wanted to try it again. This was especially so after I tried on the trial machines. They are easier to maneuver, as the computer can't shake you. LOL. Hope the F1 stimulators are available for public trials too, then I can try it again. This time I have confidence to break my score. :D

Next, what's a F1 race without the racer suit affixed with lots of sponsor logos? Vincent, Huishan and Victor gave a try at the hot suits (literally, hot), but yet looking very cool.

It was a wonderful experience! 圆了赛车手的梦 hurhur... Thanks Ivy for the invitation!
For more photos on the race, check out my facebook album.
And ever wondered how to say "racing car" in japanese? Check this out. The "A Jap Word A Day" for 21 April 2009 is dedicated to the race. :)