It also marks my virgin yarn bombing experience... mmm... well not exactly... haha.. as I didn't prepare any crafts to yarn bomb, but pretty much just tagged along the group. :P
Together, we yarn bombed Hamamatsu, starting from Hamamatsu station.

This is our favorite! 似合うね!
Then we walked to the park near 遠州病院 and started a series of yarn bombs.

We dropped about 3 yarn bombs here I think :P
And.. next on our way to Hamamatsu Castle...

What's real and what's not? *shrugs*

Our last stop...
With that, we ended our yarn bombing expendition. Wah... I have not covered so much of Hamamatsu in a day on foot! Now I know Hamamatsu town is actually not as big as I thought actually. Between 3 akaden stations, the distance is pretty walkable, and Hamamatsu Castle is actually not that far from Hamamatsu town.