Had a snow day in Hamamatsu :) This only happens once in 10 years! The last one was 10 years ago. :P
My first speech contest... and it's in Japanese! Glad I made it through, it is definitely one of my personal milestones.
This year's pollen is 10 times more than less year. A pretty bad time for those with pollen-allergy. That's why you will see many Japanese wearing masks. Luckily, I am doing not have 花粉症 (pollen-allergy). :)
I built my first snowman! In Nagano prefecture, when I visited the snow monkeys at their onsen haunt.

That trip was my first 一人の旅 (overnight trip). A very refreshing change.
11 March 2011, Japan met her largest ever earthquake. Then she was plagued with tsunami, nuclear plant explosions, radiation pollution problems. During this time, I was in Japan, too. Then, I had my first tremor, at school, and luckily with other teachers.
15 March 2011, I experienced my first earthquake, alone, at night. M3.0 at Hamamatsu. M6.4 at the epicentre, this time, originating from Shizuoka Prefecture, my prefecture. Only one word to describe. Terrifying. Being alone is terrifying.
I took 8 months to finish a bottle of 1-litre cooking oil. I cook about 7-8 meals a week though. Pretty lasting, huh?

Mochi pizza- this dish probably used a lot of oil. :P As every ingredient was pan-fried.