But I have to say. You should really go too, despite the huge crowds. I was really glad I went. The illuminations were the most magnificent that I have seen so far. Mmm... nothing in Singapore can rival that. There's another illumination event at Kobe, 神戸ルミナリエ. Maybe that's the next one to visit during my visit to Japan.
My most favourite illuminations at なばなの里 was 富士と海.

The different faces of Mt Fuji
Magnificent, wasn't it? We spent a lot of time there. Mmm.. most part to beat the crowd too, and get a better view. :P
Here's a video of the beauty of the 富士と海.
Now that I have wow-ed you with the most magnificent illumination, now here's a recap of my journey watching 冬華の競演.
There are illuminations all around なばなの里. The very first one we saw was 水上イルミネーション, illuminations on the lake.

I loved the chapel scene. That was my second most favourite illumination. It was pretty romantic, with soft music playing in the background as we watched the chapel illuminations. Now, I know why the tour guide said that the なばなの里 park was the most crowded on Christmas Eve and Valentine's Day. Though I couldn't imagine how it could be even crowded than the Sunday we went. :X

ごめんね!My picture couldn't do jusice to the enchanting scene I saw at the chapel with the lake.
Next, we have to squeeze our way through to the start of the main attractions, starting with the tunnel of lights 華回廊. We took 30 minutes to cover a distance of 50m, so be prepared for slow traffic.

The tunnel leads to 富士と海.
Here's a peek as we meandered our way through:

After 富士と海, we took another illumination tunnel, the rainbow tunnel 虹.

And that ended our 3hr+ visit at the 冬華の競演.
冬華の競演 is still available till 13 March 2011. Do catch it if you can spare the time!
How to get there.
Price: 2000yen (more details)