Drawn by the varied designer totebags (credit to @molemole), I've wanted a chance to go for this year's NDP parade. The last one I went was last year's Combined Rehearsal, and enjoyed the musical version of NDP a lot. Wonder what's this year's NDP has in-store for us?
This was my first, watching NDP with school children, and the feel was quite different, as they were very active. They were so cute, that they actually repeated after the parade commander's commands, sentence by sentence!

Genki kids

懐かしい。I was formally from NPCC, too...
This year's parade was more of formations, somewhat similar to the past few years.

A highlight would be the appearances of Corrine May and Kit Chan to perform the following 2 songs:
Song for Singapore
Kit Chan did not come for the NE Show though :( Nevertheless, "Home" got me teary. Maybe the entire atmosphere of the parade built up, and yup, I got teary. Words like "Singaporeans abroad", "overseas", "miss Singapore", etc, struck a chord with me, as I will be on my solo adventure to Japan for 1 year or more soon.
We were very lucky, as once every 5 years, NDP is held at Padang, and this year's is held at Padang. The Marina Floating Platform will be used for Youth Olympic Games rehearsals instead. With the lucky location, we managed to get superb views of the fireworks. Fireworks with the Marina Bay Sands and Esplanade as background.

Sorry, the image is a bit blurry. I didn't have a tripod with me then.
And that's the finale of the NDP NE Show 2010.
I will miss you, Singapore! お元気ね!