Held at Singapore Expo Hall 2 yesterday, the Open House was a carnival of activities- exhibition, games, stage performances, etc.
But first we had to collect our 'passport' at the registration booth:

and I received this... my name tag for the day:

And next we went through the exhibition, which shows volunteers-to-be the background of YOG, what we can expect from YOG, and most importantly, the requirements of volunteers (time commitment) and this... (one of the important reasons why I visited the Open House) - positions available:

There are a lot, a lot of posts, including Assistant Manager post for finance, IT Helpdesk, and of course, not forgetting posts which I'm interested in, such as translator, tour guides etc. But do note, they are all volunteer positions. No monetary payment. And if I'm not wrong, they require about 20,000 volunteers in all.
A volunteer-to-be needs to put aside time for training (likely a few days and the commitment level is dependent on the post you've volunteered for) to commerce in September 2009 all the way to August 2010, and at least 4 consecutive days during the 2-week YOG period.
Thinking that more information may be made available in the Resource Pack, we went to queue for the pack, and were very surprised to find an extremely long and winding queue. It's almost like reliving the day when I queued for bak-kwa during Chinese New Year years ago :P
A bit disappointing though, the pack did not have the details which we were looking for. Perhaps more details will be disseminated at a later stage, and we will have a clearer idea on which positions we can volunteer for.
And lastly, we ended the day with a photoshoot, and plastering our photos on the pledge wall. It is made of 3 pillars, showing the Olympic values, namely Friendship, Excellence and Respect.

Nice? The photographer has taken a really nice shot of my friend. :) If you're looking for me in the picture above, mmm.. sorry, I'm not there. :P
I'm looking forward to volunteering at YOG 2010 :)
Hope that my work commitments will allow me to participate in this possibly once-a-lifetime event. :)
P.S: Going through the event did bring back lots of memories when the team worked on the bid for YOG. Time really flies!