Apr 1, 2009

Japanese Language Made Simpler – Lesson 4

Today, we will start to form ‘action’ sentences, like I eat rice, she buys a bag, etc.

For such sentences, this is the format to use:

[Pronoun] は [noun]を[verb]

For eg:

  • Watashi wa gohan o tabemasu. = 私はご飯を食べます。= I eat rice.
    (gohan = rice; tabemasu = eat)

  • Kanojo wa kaban o kaimasu. = 彼女はかばんを買います。
    (kaban = bag; kaimasu = buy)

For simpler action sentences like he runs, they walk:

[Pronoun] は[verb]


  • Kare wa hashirimasu. = 彼は走ります。= He runs.
    (hashirimasu = run)

  • Karera wa arukimasu. = 彼らは歩きます。They walk.
    (arukimasu = walk)

* In Japanese language, there are no singular and plural forms. Thus the same verb: hashirimasu and arukimasu, can be used for a single person or many people.